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Facebook Marketplace Auto-Uploader Utility

We're here to help! For additional support on this topic or for more information on how to get started reach out to our Support Team at support@dealercenter.com or call us at 888-669-2669.


  • Downloading and installing the Posting Utility’s App: 0:35
  • Logging into the Posting Utility App: 1:16
  • Posting Utility FB login and settings: 1:35
  • How to post and posting options: 2:05
  • Viewing your active posts in the Facebook Marketplace Report: 3:50
  • Important posting guidelines: 4:15



  1. What is the Facebook Marketplace Posting Utility?
  2. Downloading and installing the Posting Utility’s App
  3. Logging into the app and posting vehicles
  4. Viewing your active posts in the Facebook Marketplace Report
  5. Important posting guidelines


What is the Facebook Marketplace Posting Utility?

Facebook previously disconnected a service that allowed dealers to automatically upload inventory to Facebook Marketplace. This meant dealers where no longer be able to use a software system or service to bulk-upload their used inventory.

DealerCenter has created a Facebook Marketplace posting utility to reproduce the function of manually posting from a personal page. This will allow you to automatically post vehicles to Facebook Marketplace.


Downloading and installing the Posting Utility’s App

To access the posting tool run the Facebook Marketplace report. Go to Reports > Online Marketing > Facebook Marketplace (or use the "Search Reports" box).


On the Facebook Marketplace report select the orange “Launch Auto Posting Utility“ button. This will download the Posting Utility Application (Windows PC only). Next, look for the file in your download folder and run the application.






Logging into the app and posting vehicles

Once installed, you will need to log into the Utility Application. Enter your DealerCenter credentials. This will allow the posting utility to post on your behalf.


Click on the Settings link to enter your Facebook username and password into the app:



Once logged in, select which vehicles you want to post and select the green “Start Posting” button. The Posting utility will start posting to Facebook Marketplace.

The same options will be available for vehicles that need to be “Updated” and “Deleted”. There are separate tabs for the dealership to select specific vehicles that need to be updated or deleted.

  • Updated: These are vehicles that had a change to their vehicle record. The posting utility will will recognize a change and the vehicle will show up on the list. The dealers will need to select the vehicle and push ‘Start Posting”
  • Deleted: These are vehicles that had a change to their status from In Inventory to Sold. The posting utility will will recognize a change and the vehicle will show up on the list. The dealers will need to select the vehicle and push ‘Start Posting”


Each time you'd like to post vehicles to Facebook Marketplace simply open the Posting Utility app on your Windows PC. Look for the program called "FB Marketplace Inventory Posting Tool"




Viewing your active posts in the Facebook Marketplace Report

To see your active posts (or newly posted, updated and/or to-be-deleted) simply return the Facebook Marketplace Report and use this status filter to show posted vehicles and then click run.

Go to Reports > Online Marketing > Facebook Marketplace (or use the "Search Reports" box).



Important posting guidelines

There are some limitations and guidelines to the posting utility that are required to allow DealerCenter to automatically post ads to Facebook Marketplace on your behalf:

  • To download the Facebook Marketplace Utility application you will need to use Google Chrome.
  • The Facebook Marketplace Utility app is not available for Mac.
  • The postings have a limit of 10 ads a day.
  • 20 images per vehicle
  • Ads will be posted and take about 5 min or so to post.
  • Posting from a personal page (Not Business Page)