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Release Notes - January 2023

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Release Notes - January 2023

Check out the major updates, enhancements, fixes and new features released in January 2023.


Custom Date Filter Added to BHPH Dashboard Charts

A new date range filter has been added to the BHPH Dashboard charts to allow users to filter by custom date ranges. The new date filter can be found in the Additional Filters pop down on the righthand side of the BHPH Dashboard charts.



Option to Pause Outbound Email/SMS when Promise To Pay is Active

Users now have an option to pause the Payment Reminders and Past Due Notices when there is an active Promise to Pay on the account. Users can access the option in their dealer settings. Admin>Dealer Settings, BHPH > SMS and Email Options.



Option to Restrict Payment Receipt Emails for Dealer Added Payments

This new feature is introducing a new setting which will allow users to suppress the payment receipt email/SMS from being sent for a specific payment.




Search Existing Trade-In Vehicles from the Customer Record

The ability to search for previously entered appraisal vehicles has been added to the customer record. This will make adding a customer’s trade-in easier if the vehicle had been previously appraised using Fastbook.



Notifications for Auto-Pay Failures and Online Payments Failures

New notification options have been added to alert dealer staff when a scheduled Auto-Pay payment has failed and also when an Online Payment has failed.


Additionally, users can receive email notifications of Auto-Pay Failures and Failed Online Payments by adding users in the Notification Receiver section for the event.



When enabled, the Auto-Pay Failures and Failed Online Payments will appear in the notification window in the top right corner of the DealerCenter window.



Consolidate the Dealer Website, Facebook, and OfferUp Chat Icons.

Currently the Dealer Website , Facebook, and OfferUp all have separate icons in the DealerCenter header bar. This deployment consolidates the three icons into a single icon.


When the users place the cursor over the new icon, a drop down will expand to show the Dealer Website , Facebook and OfferUp icons.




CA District Tax Allocation Data Report

We have created a new summary report called “CA District Tax Allocation Data” that shows the taxable amount in each County and City in California. The report is designed to provide the dealers the info they can use to fill out the following XLS file that is provided by the State of CA.



This new report can be found in the State and Tax reporting section of Deal Reports



This report will group all of the counties for which there is a sold deal and sort the cities in those counties in alphabetical order.



Remove TAX ID Requirement for Business Deals (Non-WFS/WFI)

When creating a Business deal for Non-Westlake and Non-Western Funding Inc. deals, we have removed the requirement to provide a Tax ID. You will now be able to proceed in a business deal without entering the business’ Tax ID.



Additional Columns to be Tracked in Inventory Event Logs

To help dealership users better track the edits and updates that are being made to inventory records, edits/changes to the following fields will be stamped in the Inventory Events Logs:

  • Vehicle Condition
  • Bill Added - QuickBooks
  • Bill Removed - QuickBooks
  • Bill Updated - QuickBooks
  • City MPG
  • Highway MPG
  • Inspection Status
  • Inspection Date
  • Inspection Id
  • Inspected By
  • Vehicle Weight
  • Weight Fee
  • Purchase Source
  • Lienholder Company Name
  • Lienholder Amount
  • Lienholder Date Paid Off
  • Lienholder Due Date


Facebook Tool to dealers with Online Ad Post Premium nationwide

Facebook Update for January 2023

Starting on January 30, 2023, Meta will no longer support the ability for sellers to create vehicle & real estate / rentals listings using a Facebook business Page, along with the Vehicles Tab and Manage Inventory tab in markets where this feature is currently available.


The free person-to-person listings for vehicle & real estate / rentals listings will still be available on Marketplace. Your ability to reach audiences via ads is also not changing. We are simply changing how inventory may be displayed in the future.

We’ve created a Facebook Market Place posting tool to emulate manually posting from a personal page. Dealers with Online Ad Post Premium subscriptions will have access to the Facebook tool. There are limitations to the posting tool to allow us to post the ads to Facebook Marketplace for users. 



To access the posting tool, Go to Reports > Inventory > Facebook Marketplace



Click on “Launch Auto Posting Utility “This will download the Posting Utility Application. Search for the file in your download folder and run the application. The Facebook Posting Utility Application is only available for PC. Dealers who are using a MAC will need to run Parallels before 





Once installed, you will need to log into the Utility Application. Enter your DealerCenter account credentials. This will allow the posting utility to post on your behalf.




Once logged in, select which vehicles you want to post and click on “Start Posting”. The Posting utility will start posting to Facebook market place.


The same options will be available for vehicles that need to be “Updated” and “Deleted”. There are separate tabs for the dealership to select specific vehicles that need to be updated or deleted.

Updated: These are vehicles that had a change to their vehicle record. The posting utility will will recognize a change and the vehicle will show up on the list. The dealers will need to select the vehicle and push ‘Start Posting”


Deleted: These are vehicles that had a change to their status from In Inventory to Sold. The posting utility will will recognize a change and the vehicle will show up on the list. The dealers will need to select the vehicle and push ‘Start Posting”



To log into the users personal page, click on the three dots in the upper left hand corner of the utility tool.  This will pop up a login screen for the user to log into their personal page.



You will need to select the option of what vehicles to show on the Facebook Marketplace report. Settings can be accessed by going to Admin > Dealer Settings > Inventory > Online Marketing > Online Marketing Settings>  Manage Facebook  > Marketplace



You will be able see your cars and the posting status to Facebook marketplace. Posted cars will have the Facebook marketplace link to the ad, so you can preview the listings.




Display Missing Info for Correction Prior to Posting to Facebook

The Facebook posting tool will now display any missing information that is required for posting in a new Missing Info column. The Missing Info will need to be satisfied before the check boxes to select the vehicle are enabled.
