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Release Notes - November 2023

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Release Notes - November 2023

Check out the major updates, enhancements, fixes, and new features released in November 2023.


Past Due Amount Break Down for BHPH Collections

When customers are past due on their BHPH accounts and the customer doesn’t have the ability to bring the account to current, dealers have requested the ability to see how much would need to be paid to bring the account to a smaller delinquency bucket.


To help achieve this, we have added new values to the Collections tab of the BHPH account that will allow the user to set a desired delinquency range and view the payment needed to bring the account to that range.



The user will select the desired delinquency range:



The system will then calculate the payment needed to bring the account to that delinquency range:



Contracted Payment Projections Report

We have added a new Contract Payment Projections Report under the BHPH reporting section. This report will provide a summary of what the dealer can expect to collect each week and month if their customers make the contracted payments as scheduled.


This new report is located in the Payments and Collections section of BHPH reports:



The report will also show the active BHPH account broken into two groups - All accounts (regardless of the past-due status) and All accounts that are current and/or pre-30 days past due.


The two groups will then show the counts and sums for each of the payment frequencies – weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly. 



Additional Filters for NSF, Chargebacks, and Reversals on BHPH Payment History

New filters have been added to the BHPH account Payment History to allow users to view the different reversal types (NSF/Chargeback, Reversals, and Refunds) individually.



New Permission to Allow/Restrict Reassigning a BHPH account

We have added a new permission under BHPH to be able to grant or restrict the ability to reassign BHPH accounts from one collector to another.



Users with this permission will be able to change the assigned collector in the BHPH account and from the right-click option in BHPH Reports.






Support Custom Deal Summaries

We have added the function to allow dealers to custom select the default Deal summaries for either their Dealer or Customer version.  Forms can be selected from the default library or custom forms that the dealer has submitted to upload into their custom folder in their form library.


To access the settings, Admin > Dealer Settings > Deal > Print/ eSign Settings > Direct Printing

Select the user-defined summary option from the pick list in the drop-down menu.








Credito Real name change to to FinBe USA

The DealerCenter preferred Lender Credito Real has changed their name to FinBe USA. This name change has been applied across DealerCenter and the logo has been updated as well.



Wholesale Deal Redesign

We have updated the Wholesale deal view and have introduced new functionalities that have been requested.  The new Wholesale deal will be released nationwide.



Add Buyer

When a new Wholesale deal is started, the Buyer section will be blank, and the Add Buyer action will be available to the user. The Buyer can be added by clicking the Add Buyer button in the Customer section of the header.



Clicking the Add Buyer action will open a new buyer record to be filled in.



Users can also search for existing partners on file by clicking the Magnifying Glass icon.


Buyer Selected

After the Buyer is selected, the buyer info will be displayed. The Buyer info will contain company, contact, and shipping information.



Deal Contract

The Deal Contract tab will have the ability to add a new vehicle to the deal, a list of vehicles that have been added, and the Deal Summary.



Add Vehicle Action

The users will click the Add Vehicle to Deal to add a vehicle from their inventory to the deal. The user will search for an inventory unit and double-click to apply to the vehicle list in the wholesale deal.


The user can also add a new vehicle by clicking the Add New button in the Select Vehicle pop-up – this will open the new vehicle entry window.



Vehicle Listing

The Vehicle listing will display the vehicles that have been added to the deal. Each row will contain a link to the Vehicle record, basic vehicle info, and inputs/fields for the price, cost, fees, and transportation.



Notes Tab

As part of the new design, we will be adding the Notes tab to the Wholesale deal. Users will be able to make comments and keep notes regarding the wholesale deal.



Journal Entries Tab

The Journal Entries tab will display the journal entries related to this deal.



Files Tab

The Files tab will allow users to upload files associated with the vehicle.



Events Tab

The Events tab has been added to Wholesale deal as part of the new redesign. Events tab will keep track of certain events pertaining to the wholesale deal.



Events that are tracked:

  • Deal Status Changed
  • Buyer Added/Removed
  • Commission Rep Added/Removed
  • Deal Cost Added
  • Vehicle Added/Removed

Post Sale Tab

Once the Wholesale deal is marked sold, the Post Sale tab will be available. This will keep track of any post-sale activities.



Wholesale PO

The existing Wholesale PO will need to be replaced with a new version that has additional columns for Transportation and fees on each vehicle row.


Allow Resubmits for Preferred Lender Submissions

Users can now resubmit a previously submitted application to DealerCenter Preferred Lenders without having to create another deal. The resubmission is only available if the vehicle is changed or if the Co-Signer is added/removed from the deal. Simple pricing/structure changes are not eligible for resubmission.

The user can initiate a resubmission by clicking on either the Send to Lander or Submit New Application buttons.



The list of available lenders will be displayed, and the user will select the lender to receive the updated application.



Updated Outstanding Titles view - Update process for Document Upload & Add ELT Codes

We have updated the functionality for how dealers view and upload outstanding stips for Westlake and Western Funding deals. The current process was inefficient and didn’t allow the users to see if the documents were uploaded and sent.


Users can see the count of outstanding titles on their DC home page without clicking to view the list.








After clicking Outstanding Titles on the DC homepage, the following dialog will be displayed: “Right-click on the Customer to upload proof of Lien or add a comment.”







 Right-clicking on the customer will pop up a box to allow the dealers to upload proof of Lien or add comments.







Click Upload Document to display Add Proof of Lien Document – (App #)” dialog.







Correct Proof of Lien and ELT details are displayed (For WFI only)




ETL list will appear for acceptable documents for each state.



Select and Upload the file, then click the Send button.









An “Email sent successfully” message will pop up if the email was successfully sent.







If the user uploads an invalid file type, an error message will be displayed: “File (TYPE) are invalid. Please choose a valid file type.”







ACC eContracting in MN

Minnesota dealers will now be able to eContract and electronically distribute the signed documents directly to ACC.  More information about eContracting with DealerCenter preferred lenders can be found here: Working Deals and eContracting with Preferred Lenders


CarCapital Integrate New PLP Lender

DealerCenter has a new PLP Partner, CarCapital.



  • Autosubmit ( Aligned deals will automatically be submitted to the lender )
  • Fully automated decisions
  • No Deal is Turned Down / Way to go on every deal.
  • Inventory imported
  • No eContracting.  
  • No DealerTrack No RouteOne



Add Pop-up to Notify Dealer of Out of State Contract

DealerCenter has added a notification on the bottom of the lender submission screen to notify the user of an out-of-state transaction. The users can click on the Tekion link to help with out-of-state Tax/Fee calculations.



Produce TX Webdealer File

The state of Texas Department of Motor Vehicles has created a new titling portal called WebDealer. DealerCenter dealers can now export their deals to a file that can be uploaded to the WebDealer portal. Users can create a file with information on a single vehicle or create a file with multiple vehicles.


WebDealer activation:

Users can activate the WebDealer file export in the Partner Settings tab in Deal Settings.



Single Vehicle webDEALER File Creation:

Once the WebDealer file export is active “webDEALER Export” button will be made available in the left navigation bar of the deal screen. Clicking the export button will generate the “CSV” file with the details for that deal. The generated file can then be uploaded to the WebDealer platform.



Once the CSV files are generated, the user can then log into their webDealer accounts, upload the files with the deal information, and complete the electronic title and registration of the vehicle.


