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Selling off your BHPH loans with Agora

We're here to help! For additional support on this topic or for more information on how to get started reach out to our Support Team at support@dealercenter.com or call us at 888-669-2669.



What is Agora?

Agora is a marketplace where BHPH dealers can list their BHPH loans to multiple portfolio buyers in a single location. If you have a subprime bulk portfolio to sell, Agora connects you with institutional buyers while still allowing you to earn Additional Loan Profit after the sale. Take advantage of this opportunity to maximize your returns even after transferring your portfolio.

You can upload loans, select the ones you want to sell, and receive bids from companies like Westlake ALPS.

Selling your accounts allows you to profit quicker while reducing portfolio exposure, and Agora makes it easier than ever.

How do I get started?

  1. Go to SettingsBHPHBHPH Management tab.
  2. Log into DealerCenter and enter your Agora username/password and API key in BHPH settings.
  3. Retrieve the API key by contacting Agora Support at (469) 480-6079.
  4. Click Enable Agora Feed and confirm the Agora data feed.
Agora Integration Settings

Next, select the Enable Agora Feed button. You will see a message confirming that you want to send your BHPH loan data to Agora. Selecting Yes will confirm the Agora data feed, and all of your active loans will be sent to Agora in the background.

Agora Data Feed Confirmation

How does it work?

After setup, the initial transmission takes a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the data volume.

A nightly update including status changes, payments, and notes ensures that buyers see the most current data.

How do I disable the integration?

To disable the feed, go to BHPH Settings and select Disable Agora Feed.

This stops nightly updates but does not remove previously posted data.

Disable Agora Feed