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Release Notes - Aug 2021

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Release Notes - Aug 2021

Check out the updates, enhancements, fixes and new features released in Aug 2021.

  • Ability to search phone number and email in Inbox
  • Capture Payment Activity in Deal Event Log
  • Add Prepaid Finance Charge to Lender Info
  • One Main integration
  • Ability to receive Files from Customer (Digital Stip Delivery)
  • Flagship State Expansion: NJ, KS, MT, MN (DC)
  • Permission to view/add/edit flooring information
  • Adding a Customer in VDP and new vehicle
  • Add a setting to include flooring cost to total cost
  • Print Dialog for Desking
  • Add a button to Login to QuickBooks under QuickBooks settings


CRM: Ability to search phone number and email in Inbox

Dealer can now search for customers using the customer's phone # email directly from the search box of the Inbox//Outbox tab on he left menu bar of the DealerCenter account.



Deal: Capture Payment Activity in Deal Event Log



Deal: Add Prepaid Finance Charge to Lender Info

A prepaid finance charge is an upfront cost associated with a loan agreement and must be paid in addition to standard loan payments. These costs add to the costs of a loan in full before the loan is advanced. Types of prepaid finance charges typically include loan origination fees, underwriting fees, and document fees.

We have added a Prepaid finance charge field to the Lender Info section of the Lender Partner record. Previously, it was only available from the deal screen by clicking on the 3 dots on the amount finance field.

The pre-paid finance charge will affect your ad-on rate.

When you add the Pre-Paid finance charge, it will increase the Contract APR over the APR.


Deal: One Main integration

We are adding a PLP lender, One Main Financial. For service state will be in Arizona.


Deal: Ability to receive Files from Customer (Digital Stip Delivery)

Digital Stip Delivery was on pilot on 6/2. The results were favorable so now we are making it available to all dealers nationwide on the 8/3 deployment.

This new feature will allow dealers to text their customers a message with a link for the customer to upload the missing stips.

What is it?
The new functionality allows the dealer to request missing stipulation, documents, and files directly from the consumer via email or SMS. The dealer will select the files to be collected and a message will be sent to the customer, who can upload the requested files. Once uploaded the customer files will be automatically attached to both the deal record and the customer record.

How it Works
The user will begin the stip collection process by clicking on the Stipulations button in the left-navigation menu of the deal.


Flagship State Expansion: NJ, KS, MT, MN (DC)

Flagship is expanding to New Jersey, Kansas, Montana, Minnesota. Eligible dealers will be able to submit to Flagship in those states.


Permission to view/add/edit flooring information

We added a permission to control who can see the flooring information. If the user doesn’t have the permission, then they should not be able to view/edit/add any flooring related information. Users without the permissions will still be able to see the flooring cost under Cost section of Vehicle Value page.


Adding a Customer in VDP and new vehicle

When entering a vehicle into DealerCenter, Dealers can now enter in purchase info of a customer’s name. The customer must already be entered, if already entered, the customer will be an option in the pick list. There is no option to add



Add a setting to include flooring cost to total cost

Some dealers don't want to add flooring cost to their total cost. We have added a setting to control this on dealer settings. Total Cost break down will not include Flooring cost if the option is to not include flooring cost in total cost.


Print Dialog for Desking

Currently, even when a vehicle and customer is entered in a Desking screen, there is no print navigation menu icon.

Print navigation menu is hidden on Desk a Deal when a Buyer and Vehicle and is not entered.

Once a Buyer and Vehicle is entered and saved, print navigation menu and dialog displays. The printing options on desking are going to be limited compared to the deal screen.

The following changes will be made to the print dialog:
Only show the Document Library tab will be available.
There won’t be a “Save as Print Pack” button.