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Release Notes - April 2022

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Release Notes - April 2022

Check out the major updates, enhancements, fixes and new features released in April 2022.



Edit Payment Changes

Updates to reversing/editing a payment


DLRdmv Integration

Deal setting to deduct lender fees from backend gross

DC Faster Funding Income Verification - Nationwide Expansion


Support for taking multiple Deposits for the same customer


New Vehicle Form UI Changes

AutoSweet dashboard



Multiple Deposits

CarOffer - State Nationwide Expansion


Edit Payment Changes

When a dealer edits a payment in a BHPH account, they will see an updated message to give the Dealers what options they have when editing a payment.

  • Dealers will be limited to editing a principal, down or side note payment.
  • Late / Other Fees and side notes, can be collected or deferred


A warning message will appear to notify the dealer to complete the process and reapply the payment if they have not done so.


Updates to reversing/editing a payment

For BHPH accounts, when a dealer is going to do a payment reversal or edit a payment, a popup window will require a dealer to input notes before proceeding to complete an Edit, process an NSF / Cash Back or Reversal. This is available for both payment and down payment types.




DLRdmv Integration

DRLdmv is a new partner for electronic titling and registration. In Admin>Dealer Settings > Deals > Partner Settings

DRLdmv is available in Georgia, Florida and Minnesota


Activate/Deactivate Button

The DLRdmv will have a button to activate/deactivate the integration. There is no outside call to DLRdmv for activation; the activate button will only control visibility of the DLRdmv button on the Deal screen. No additional ID’s will be required to be entered to activate. DLRdmv doesn’t use account numbers.


Learn More Link

There is a “Learn More” link that will redirect the user to a landing page with more information about DLRdmv’s service offerings.  https://www.dlrdmv.com/


Deal Screen

A new button for DLRdmv will be made visible in the left-nav of the deal screen once the integration is activated by the dealer.


Selecting the DLRdmv button will initiate the connection and migrate the dealer’s information.

  • Dealer Number ( Dealer License # and State )
  • Deal # ( DC Deal # )
  • VendorID ( DCID )

Once the connection is completed, a confirmation message to the user will ask them if they would like to be redirected to the DLRdmv site:


“The deal information was successful sent to DLRdmv. Would you like to be redirected to DLRdmv?” Yes/No

  • If Yes, the dealer will be directed https://www.dlrdmv.com/ in a new browser tab to complete the registration process.
  • If No, the dialogue box will close and the dealer will be taken back in the deal screen.


Deal setting to deduct lender fees from backend gross

We’re adding a new setting to deduct the Discount and Acq Fee from the backend gross. We currently deduct them from the total gross, but they are not factored into the backend gross. Once deployed, the default setting is not to deduct the lender fee from the backend gross, this is in line with the current behavior.

This new setting is a check box labeled: "Deduct Lender Fees from Back End Gross."

When selected, the Discount and Acq Fees would be shown in the Back Gross pop-down as deductions.


DC Faster Funding Income Verification - Nationwide Expansion

Westlake and Western Funding is going nationwide on the Faster Funding Income Verification program. The verification will be through Westlake’s / Western Funding  Rapid Electronic Income Verification company.

From the deal screen in the lender offer tab, the dealers will be able to select “View Stips and Verify Income”


The dealer will then see the stips for the Primary and Co-Signer. When the dealer selects “Verify Income”, they will be directed to a pop up where they can upload the proof of income.


From the DC File tab, the Dealer can tag the document with the appropriate Type, Category and Lender Stip Type.


At this point, the deal is not active in Westlake or Western Fundings underwriting system. Majority of the deals get declined due to income verification issues, this process helps resolve the funding issues. To submit the proof of income for verification, the dealers will need to select which stip and then select upload. This will upload the stip to Rapid Electronic Income Verification company.



Message will notify the dealer “Proof of Income has been sent for verifications”


As the Rapid Electronic Income Verification company is analyzing the income documentation, a status bar will update the status of the verification.

Verification process will verify the income amount and employer.



Once verified, if there are no differences from what was submitted, the dealer is good to go. If there is a difference, the dealer can choose to select and confirm the verified income and the changes that were adjusted. This will also recalculate the approval by the Buy Program.





Support for taking multiple Deposits for the same customer

There’s a new ‘Deposit” report under Customers that is available.  The deposit event log will be updated when a deposit is collected. User can open the deposit record by double-clicking each row, and that will open the existing View Deposit dialog. If a user is starting a deal from the vehicle record, a pop up will alert the dealer if a deposit/deposits have been taken on the vehicle.

  1. Users can take multiple deposits on the same customer and the same vehicle.
  2. Users will not be allowed to take deposits from multiple customers.
  3. User can take multiple deposits on the same customer and on different vehicles.
  4. User can take multiple deposits on the same customer without any vehicles on one more deposits.

There are no changes to the existing rules or behavior on how deposits are refunded, reversed, of marked NSF, etc.



Starting a deal from the vehicle record. A pop up will notify the user of current deposits taken already.




New Vehicle Form UI Changes

In the dealer settings, the dealer will be allowed to select default status when adding new vehicle into their account.



AutoSweet dashboard

Dealers with the Autosweet product and role access permission to see “Autosweet” will be able to view the Autosweet Dashbooard in DealerCenter.

Users without the ManageAddsandViewCosts or CanViewAddsandCosts permissions will not be able to see the Autosweet Dashboard.

The Autosweet Dashboard will allow the dealers with permissions to see their AutoSweet activity.


With Product and Permissions


Without Product or Permissions


Provide ability to copy Images/Videos/Files from the Repo'ed vehicle to be restocked

Currently, dealers who repossess a vehicle and restock the vehicle into their inventory will be required to retake images and videos and uploaded it to the new vehicle record. We’re now giving the dealers the ability to restock in the cars and copy over the images, videos and files from the sold vehicle record to the restocked vehicle with the new stock #.


Multiple Deposits

Currently in DealerCenter we can only take one deposit per customer. dealers have requested the ability to be able to take multiple deposits per customer.
Form the vehicle record, dealers can select “Deposits” in the left navigation bar. Users can then enter the deposit information. After the deposit is entered, users will be given a pop up screen to allow them the option to print or email a receipt of the deposit.
If a deposit has already been taken, the pop will show the existing deposit and the option to “Take Another Deposit”
There will be no changes to the existing rules/behavior on how deposits are refunded, reversed, NSF, etc.



CarOffer - State Nationwide Expansion

CarOffer is expanding Nationwide