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Doing a Finance Deal

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In this video we’ll focus on how to work a finance deal, how to send that deal to the banks you are working with and finally how you will receive and approve an offer, and print out contracts to finalize the deal.

This video covers two ways to start initiate a deal:

  1. The first, at the deal submission form – accessed from any ‘start a deal’ link
  2. From the deal desking screen

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How Do I See the New Deal Screen?

The new deal screen comes up after you click “Go to Deal” at the bottom of the “Quick Deal” or loan application screen. For finance deals, you will see the Preferred Lender results pop-up.



Where Do I Work My Deals?

The main tab that will come up for a finance deal will be the “Lender Offers” tab. For a cash or Buy Here Pay Here deal, the screen will show the “Deal Contract” tab.

You'll find an easy to navigate screen with different tabs, depending on where you are in the deal process.

There's the deal contract tab, I-Maxx, lender offers, compare offers, notes, accounting, files, events, and the worksheet tab which functions as the desking screen.

Also, in the left side menu, you can toggle the customer view:



You can view the Class Codes in the Vehicle widget. Class codes are used by Westlake to rank the vehicle makes and models to determine the advance of a loan. The codes are numbered 1 through 8 and vehicles with lower class codes generally get more advance. For more information, please reach out to your Westlake rep.


Where’s I-Maxx?

The I-Maxx function is now its own tab! Simply put in the ideal down and monthly payment at the top of the screen and click “Run I-Maxx” to see what lender offers come from your customer’s information and a scan of your inventory. The I-Maxx feature in the new deal screen will now include offers from Western Funding, if you are connected with them.



How Do I Print?

Just like in the legacy deal screen, the “Print” and “Print/eContract” button is on the left-hand side menu.


The new Print Pack screen will include a “Frequently Used Docs” tab in addition to the “Print Packs” and “Document Library.” To get to your existing Print Packs, click on the Print Packs tab and click the checkbox on the print pack you are looking for. You can also preview the documents on the bottom left side and print them on the bottom right side.


To further see what documents are in the print pack, click the print pack name. You can also print from the Document List window that pops up.



How Do I Track Funding For My Westlake Deal?

If you are using Westlake to finance your deals, a WFS Funding tab will appear, simply click the tab to see a live status of your deal through a step by step tracker. Check to see if your deal is in data entry, credit analysis, verification, final review, all the way to booked.


Does it Connect to Desking?

Yes! The new deal screen was designed with the Dynamic Desking screen we launched earlier this year. Recent updates to the desking screen connect directly to the new deal screen, simply click the Worksheet tab to see your deal structure.



If you have further questions about the new deal screen, contact your DealerCenter rep for training.