Lender & Deal Management

Here you will find information on working Preferred Lender deals, cash deals, BHPH - as well as details on using specific tools related to doing deals in DealerCenter. Access more lenders in DealerCenter than any other platform on the market. Connect with all your lenders using our Dealertrack and RouteOne integrations, enabling you to send deals for approval and receive lender decisions without ever leaving DealerCenter.

Login here using your DealerCenter account to access all support articles

Printing Paperwork (Contracting a Deal)

Doing Deals with Business Contracts

Working Deals and eContracting with Preferred Lenders

New Deal Entry Features 2022

Faster Funding with Instant Income Verification

Doing a Finance Deal

Doing a Westlake Financial Deal

eContracting for Westlake Financial

How to Sign-up DC eContracting

Remote Stips Collection

Working a Cash Deal

Doing an Outside Finance Deal

Using the Desking Screen

Two-way Lender Messaging

What are Preferred Lender Results?

Doing a OneMain Financial Deal

Doing a Lentegrity Deal

Printing Deal Paperwork

Using Automated Sales Tax

Working with Deposits

Getting Started with DealerTrack in DealerCenter

Getting Started with RouteOne Integration

Getting Started with CUDL on DealerCenter

Access GWC Warranty in DealerCenter

Getting Started with AUL Service Contracts

eTitling Automation and Registration with DLRdmv

Titling and Registration via Dealertrack RTS

Vitu: Manage Electronic DMV Vehicle Transactions

Using I-MAXX: Instantly structure approvals on all vehicles in your inventory

Profit Matrix & Name Your Gross