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eTitling Automation and Registration with DLRdmv

We're here to help! For additional support on this topic or for more information on how to get started reach out to our Support Team at support@dealercenter.com or call us at 888-669-2669.


  1. How DLRdmv can help
  2. Activating DLRdmv in DealerCenter
  3. Using DLRdmv in DealerCenter


How DLRdmv can help

DRLdmv is a partner for electronic titling and registration - a safe & secure eTitling solution for real-time tags and registration.

      • DRLdmv is available in Georgia, Florida and Minnesota


Activating DLRdmv in DealerCenter

Go to Settings, then the Deal pagem the Partner Settings to Activate DLRdmv. You will not be required to add any IDs or Account Number to active - just click the Activate button and you're done!



Using DLRdmv in DealerCenter

On the Deal screen, look for the DLRdmv button on the side menu. Select the DLRdmv to send relevant information to DLRdmv to begin the etitling process including the following:

  • Dealer Number (Dealer License # and State)
  • Deal # (DealerCenter Deal #)
  • VendorID (DCID)

Once the connection is completed, you'll be given the option to go directly to the your DLRdmv portal to complete electronic titling and registration.
